Gus wants to live somewhere tropical. To say that he dislikes winter would be an understatement. Having young children and commuting by bike only make the disadvantages of winter that much more salient. Gus has recently started some telecommuting work (in other news) that has the potential to free us up to live where ever we want to. It is a massive freedom that few get to enjoy, but it has opened up a massive debate about the merits (or lack thereof) of winter. It is spring finally and I am reveling in the warmth and ease of using the outside. It is a miracle to go outside without getting anyone into a snow suit. I have to admit it makes it easy to see Gus's side of the argument.
But spring has also started a new year and a new garden. I'm back to dreaming outside while I clean up old beds and plant new vegetables. I know only half of them will be really successful, but the dream is half the fun. By the end of the season, I'll be tired. Many of my dreams will have succumbed to blight and the rest to weeds. The garden won't look so good anymore. But before long it will be covered in white snow. The blemishes will die. Nobody will see the mistakes and I will rest. When spring comes...I get to try again. I get to dream a new garden and try to fix what went wrong last time. The snow has wiped away most of my failings (although the soil may remember the blight). I'm invigorated and filled with hope again.
Without winter there is no spring. Nothing else that I do has spring, but the garden does.